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Power Meter Smartphone Apps

The overwhelming majority of power meters today support Bluetooth SMART technology. This can be beneficial for several reasons. For one, Bluetooth allows you to connect your power meter to a smart phone. This means you can use your smart phone as your head unit (cycling computer). There are a few free third-party apps for both iOS and Android that can be used to track things like speed, power, cadence and more. In addition, power meters that support Bluetooth can be easily paired to popular training apps such as Zwift. Most importantly, almost all manufacturers that make a Bluetooth equipped power meter, also offer an app to go with it. These power meter smartphone apps not only make using your power meter easier, but they can really help you get the most out of it.

We often get asked about these apps (the name, their functions, etc). In this article we will run down the list of manufacturers and highlight their respective power meter apps. We will also summarize them briefly as well as state how they are best used!

Power Meter Smartphone Apps Banner Image


Quick note: There are currently only three power meters we sell that don’t have a corresponding app: Easton/Race Face, SRM and Verve Cycling. SRM and Verve power meters are ANT+ only which is why they don’t have an app. The Easton/Race Face CINCH power meter spindle does support Bluetooth SMART, but we are not aware of a corresponding app at this moment.

4iiii Innovations App

Name of the app: 4iiii Innovations

Platform: iOS and Android

Cost: Free

  • Update firmware – Yes
  • Calibrate power meter – Yes
  • Record ride data – Yes
  • Displays advanced metrics – No
  • Displays battery level – No

4iiii’s app, available for both iOS and Android, is pretty much your standard power meter app. It allows you to update the firmware of your power meter, calibrate your power meter and can record ride data for later analysis or transfer (to your favorite website or training program). It doesn’t however show any advanced power metrics or things like power meter battery level. The app can also be used for running and other fitness goals.

4iiii smartphone app screen images

Favero App

Name of the app: Assioma

Platform: iOS and Android

Cost: Free

  • Update firmware – Yes
  • Calibrate power meter – Yes
  • Record ride data – No
  • Displays advanced metrics – No
  • Displays battery level – Yes
  • Set crank arm length – Yes

The Assioma app doesn’t allow you to record ride data like some of the other full-blown power meter smartphone apps do, but it does perform several key functions. It allows you to update your Assioma firmware, displays your battery levels, lets your convert you UNO into a DUO as well as lets you set the crank arm length (which must be done anytime you are using a pedal-based power meter). In addition and perhaps most importantly, the app allows you to register your Assioma power meter. The Assioma must be registered via the app before it will start sending power and cadence data to your head unit.

Assioma smartphone app screen images

power2max App (FSA and power2max)

Name of the app: power2max

Platform: iOS and Android

Cost: Free

  • Update firmware – Yes
  • Calibrate power meter – No
  • Record ride data – No
  • Displays advanced metrics – No
  • Displays battery level – Yes

The power2max app is used for both the power2max NG and NGeco power meters as well as the FSA PowerBox power meter. This is because the FSA PowerBox uses power2max’s spider-based electronics and sensors.

While this power meter smartphone app allows you to do things like update your power meter’s firmware and check battery levels, its primary purpose is to upgrade your power meter. You can also upgrade your power2max at any time to display L/R power balance and pedal smoothness. The app allows you to register your power meter and purchase these upgrades.

P2M smartphone app screen images

Garmin Connect App

Name of the app: Garmin Connect

Platform: iOS and Android

Cost: Free

  • Update firmware – Yes
  • Calibrate power meter – Yes
  • Record ride data – Yes
  • Displays advanced metrics – No
  • Displays battery level – No
  • Set crank arm length – Yes

Since Garmin is a manufacturer of a range of fitness products, their Garmin Connect app is therefore not cycling specific, but tailored toward the general health and fitness crowd. There are pages for walking, running, hiking and cycling. The cycling functionality allows you to do things like upgrade firmware, calibrate your Garmin Vectors and set your crank arm length. Garmin Connect also has the ability to record ride data for later transfer to Garmin’s cloud-based Garmin Connect software.

Garmin smartphone app screen images


Name of the app: EXAKT Power

Platform: iOS and Android

Cost: Free

  • Check pedal installation – Yes
  • Update firmware – Yes
  • Calibrate power meter – Yes
  • Record ride data – No
  • Displays advanced metrics – Yes
  • Displays battery level – Yes
  • Set crank arm length – Yes

The EXAKT Power app, available for both iOS and Android, allows you to perform a number of important functions. You can check to be sure the pedals were installed correctly, update firmware, check battery status and calibrate your pedals, among other features. While the power meter app does display advanced pedaling metrics such as power balance and torque, it does not record live ride data.

EXAKT Power App

ROTOR Power App

Name of the app: ROTOR Power

Platform: iOS and Android

Cost: Free

  • Update firmware – No
  • Calibrate power meter – Yes
  • Record ride data – Yes
  • Displays advanced metrics – Yes
  • Displays battery level – No

ROTOR’s ROTOR Power app is pretty slick and helps you get the most out of your power meter. The key feature is the app’s ability to record your ride data while simultaneously showing you some advanced pedal metrics such as torque efficiency and pedal smoothness. In addition, if you are using Q-Rings, ROTOR Power can recommend your Optimum Chainring Position (OCP) after your ride, allowing you to fine tune your Q-Ring position.

ROTOR smartphone app screen images

StagesPower App (Stages Cycling)

Name of the app: StagesPower

Platform: iOS and Android

Cost: Free

  • Update firmware – Yes
  • Calibrate power meter – Yes
  • Record ride data – No
  • Displays advanced metrics – No
  • Displays battery level – Yes

While the StagesPower app doesn’t allow you to record your ride data (it does however display power and cadence in real time) or provide any advanced metrics, it does make using your Stages power meter a bit easier. Within the app, you can check and update firmware, calibrate your power meter as well as check battery levels, among other things.

Stages smartphone app screen images

PowerHouse Bike App (Velocomp)

Name of the app: PowerHouse Bike

Platform: iOS and Android

Cost: Free to download. $9.99 per plan

  • Update firmware – No
  • Calibrate power meter – No
  • Record ride data – Yes
  • Displays advanced metrics – No
  • Displays battery level – No

Velocomp’s PowerHouse Bike app is a bit different than the other power meter smartphone apps here. It doesn’t perform the functions typically associated with bike apps – rather it offers paid training plans and workouts and gives real-time feedback and performance assessment. There are six workout plans to choose from. Each plan has up to 70 individual workouts. The PowerHouse app prescribes the appropriate workouts, intensities, durations, cadence and rest intervals and takes you through each workout. There is a PowerScale bar, brackets and PowerPointer, all which show if you are under or over performing your target intensities. The PowerPod PowerHouse Bike app is free to download, as are three workouts for each training plan. If you decide to access all of the workouts within a plan, the cost is $9.99.

PowerPod smartphone app screen images

Josh Matthew

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  1. Albert

    Hi, do you know of any apps which let you compare several powermeters/sources? (in my example Tacx Neo, Assioma Duo and Qarq)

    1. Power Meter City

      Thanks for the great question. Unfortunately, I don’t believe there are any apps that allow for that functionality. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

  2. Philip Baker

    Hiya, I can’t find the Ppwertap mobile app anywhere. is there a replacement app that is capable of doing a manual zero on my powertap P1 pedals ?

    1. Power Meter City

      Hi Philip, We would recommend pairing your P1s to a bike computer and zero’ing the pedals that way. If you don’t have access to a bike computer, you might be able to offset using a 3rd party app., but we haven’t tried that on the P1s and don’t have them here to test. Thanks!

  3. Rick Barnes

    Do you know of any apps that allow you to run a power based workout as you would from a cycle computer. I can only find apps that record your ride.

    1. Power Meter City

      Hi Rick. We are not aware of any apps that can be used in that capacity as most of them offer simply recording functionality only. I would recommend a bike computer like a Stages or an SRM for something like that. Thanks!

  4. Mike Ballas

    My Favero Assioma pedals I bought from you last month are working wonderfully on Zwift and a Garmin Edge 520. I no longer have the Garmin Edge 520 and looking for a power meter app on my iPhone that DOES record RIDE data. Any suggestions? As far as I can tell none of the apps listed would do this. Am I looking at getting a Garmin or Wahoo head unit?

    Mike Ballas

    1. Power Meter City

      Hi Mike. The apps listed on this page are manufacture apps. However, there are several 3rd party apps, some of which I do believe record ride data. You would just need to download a few and see which ones you like!

      1. Pete

        Can you list a few examples of 3rd party apps? Just like the precious poster I recently purchased some Assioma pedals from you and would like to have a supporting app that records data and provides advanced metrics.
        I would love some suggestions from you.

        Thanks and Happy New Year!

        1. Power Meter City

          Hi Pete. There are always new apps coming out. Just search the app store for “power meter cycling app” and you will see the current ones and you can check them out. Since we don’t use apps here (we use cycling computers), we don’t have any favorites or specific ones to recommend. Please let us know if you have any other questions and we hope you enjoy your Assiomas! Happy New Year!

    2. John

      The SuperCycle app records ride data and supports Bluetooth power meters. It’s available for Android and iOS phones.

  5. Mark S

    How do you integrate a heart rate monitor into using a power meter with one of the above apps ?

    1. Power Meter City

      Hi Mark. You would want to make sure you are using a heart rate monitor with Bluetooth functionality so it could communicate with a smart phone. Also realize that not all of the apps on this page feature real time data recording – some do and some don’t. There are also several 3rd party apps for iOS and Andriod that can be used.

  6. Eduardo Ramon

    How do you proceed to download any of these power meter apps mentioned in your article.


    1. Power Meter City

      Hi Eduardo. These apps are available for free download directly on your iOS or Android device.

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